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Unit tests

Django ORM

Since the web app is now capable of interacting with multiple DBs', the following guidelines have been laid down by Django in this context, which have to be understood first to proceed further.


As the first point above highlights, in order to control the creation order of databases, a DEPENDENCIES key could be specified for each DB configuration. By default, Django assumes that all DBs' depend on the default DB unless the DEPENDENCIES key is explicitly set, and so will create the default database first. Django also implicitly assumes that the default database has no dependencies.

However since the DATABASES configuration could now potentially contain a mix of reserved aliases and template aliases, the default behavior of Django would break if the default DB is marked as a template alias because when Django tries to create it, it would error out since the . In order to prevent this from happening, it is mandatory to set the DEPENDENCIES key explicitly in all DB configurations according to the following rules based on alias type:

  1. Template alias: The value should either be an empty list or can have only reserved aliases
    in it.
  2. Reserved alias: The value should either be an empty list or can have other reserved aliases
    in it.

Below is an illustration of the above mentioned points:

    # template alias
    "default": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...},
        # This DB doesn't have any deps
        "TEST": {
            'DEPENDENCIES': []
    # reserved alias
    "central_db": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...},
        # This DB doesn't have any deps
        "TEST": {
            'DEPENDENCIES': []


If the default alias is marked as a reserved alias, then it is possible to skip defining the DEPENDENCIES key but this is highly unrecommended as this can cause unnecessary confusion when the configuration changes later on and also because explicit is better than implicit.

Custom test runner

The behavior of the default test runner provided by Django is as follows:

  1. Creates test suites.
  2. Identifies the DB aliases which should be picked for creating test databases.
  3. Creates test databases on the selected set of aliases and applies DB migrations on each of them.
  4. Runs all test suites.
  5. Tears down the entire environment including all test databases which were created.

A more detailed version of the above can be found here

The second point highlights that every test suite which involves DB interaction in a multi-DB scenario, could define the DB aliases that each test within the suite would interact with, at the class level, thereby telling Django to create test databases for all those DB aliases. For example:

# consider the same `DATABASES` setting from the above example
from django.test import TestCase
class HospitalModelTest(TestCase):

    databases = {'default', 'central_db'}
    # This instructs Django to create test databases for the
    # `default` and `central_db` aliases. 

    def setUp(self):

    def test_object_create(self):
        default_obj = SomeModel.objects.get(...)
        central_db_obj = CentralDbModel.objects.get(...)
        self.assertEqual(default_obj.some_attr, 'some_value')
        self.assertEqual(central_db_obj.some_attr, 'some_value')


The databases attribute set at the class level could be a combination of template aliases and reserved aliases or, if not set explicitly, would fall back to the default alias.

When the above test case is run, it would fail due to the following reasons:

  1. The template aliases present in the databases attribute is not tenant normalized. As a result, creation of test databases for these aliases would fail.
  2. Since test DB creation fails, any ORM queries made within tests when run would subsequently fail.

To fix both the above problems, plug in the custom test runner as follows:

TEST_RUNNER = 'tenant_router.orm_backends.django_orm.test_util.TenantAwareTestRunner'

Other ORM libraries

Since the other ORM libraries that ship with this package do not have a well defined test strategy, apps will have to implement their own testing strategy.


If a custom test runner other than TenantAwareTestRunner is used, then it should either take up the responsibility of setting the tenant context for the scope of the entire test run or can delegate it potentially to the setUpClass or setUp methods of the individual TestCase classes.